Alexandra Singpiel (AFS Germany) from the European Pool of Representatives attended the 5th Euro-Arab Youth Forum. The event, co-organized by the Youth departments of the Council of Europe and of the League of Arab States in cooperation with the European Youth Forum, took place in Strasbourg, France from September 2nd to 5th.

This year´s forum was held under the topic of “Learning and Practicing Citizenship -Young people’s values and commitments to intercultural and inclusive societies” and brought together around 60 participants from the member states of the Council and the League.

The Forum is a bi-annual event which aims to foster mutual cooperation and dialogue among young people from Arab and European region, this year on the meanings and practices of citizenship by young people and the challenges they face in their paths to autonomy. During several workshops participants discussed different perceptions and realities of how citizenship is lived in their societies and how young people are raised to be responsible and fully integrated citizens. During the time in Strasbourg the participants also had the chance to visit several local initiatives such as the Green Party of Strasbourg, a social and cultural centre and an organization assisting unaccompanied minor refugees.

The Strasbourg Message as the outcome document of the Forum is demanding for ensuring that young people can participate in all levels of decision making. Also the strong demand for a follow-up to this years and previous forums was taken into action, by the creation of a follow-up group of volunteers who will look into further possibilities of cooperation among participants and ways to stay in touch.

EAYF Strasbourg

By Alexandra Singpiel (AFS Germany)

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