
The European Citizenship Trimester Programme has been continuously growing ever since the first time these exchanges took place in 2009; in 2017, there are a bit more 300 participants and 25 countries taking part. Participants have already arrived in theirhost countries and are staying there until December. As every year, a camp will take place in December for the programme participants, during which they will be able to discuss their experiences during the exchange programmes, as well as the meaning of European and Active Citizenship.

In May, a Preparatory Team for the ECTP Europe Camp 2017 was assembled. Yes, indeed, this year the Camp has gained a different title, which better reflects both the locations of the venues (as a new one near Antwerp, Belgium will be used) and the educational content of the programme. The Prep Team consists of eight individuals – 2 Coordinators from the EFIL secretariat, the EFIL ECTP intern and volunteers from AFS Latvia, Serbia, Belgium Flanders and Austria.

7. ECTP preparations (PT)

The Team met in mid-July to discuss the upcoming work plan, the schedule and the content of activities and workshops, as well as to get to know each other. After the Prep Team meeting, the call for ECTP Europe Camp 2017 volunteers was launched within the EFIL member organisations. When the call closed, 44 volunteers were chosen to work on this year’s Camp as members of the Support and Trainers’ teams. Ever since, the volunteers have been actively preparing for the event, which is quickly approaching.

Finally, the ECTP 2017 participants are collecting their Open Badges this year! After successfully starting this initiative as a part of ECTP 2016, it was decided to continue using the platform to let the exchange students reflect on their experiences and to give them recognition for the learning they have done. It is an interesting and interactive tool to use during learning processes, which is why it’s been encouraged.

7. ECTP 2017 preparations (badges)

That is it for now! We are looking forward to seeing how this ECTP will come together, as well as greeting everyone here in Belgium!