21-26 October     

Seminar ‘Transversal competences for employability’, Antwerp, Belgium


24-26 October

EFIL Board meeting, Brussels, Belgium


30 Nov.-4 December

European Citizenship Trimester Programme, Brussels Camp


13-18 January

Meeting of Organisational Development Coordinators, Colle, Italy


8-15 February

Study Session on Intercultural Learning in local diversity context, Budapest, Hungary



Editor: Paul Claes                 Layout: Paola Cane

Contributions by: Paul Claes, Izabela Jurczik-Arnold, Elisa Briga, Inga Menke, Frini Ezunkpe, Paola Cane, Giuseppina Nappi, Marin Bjort Valtysdottir, Viktoria Bedo

Pictures by: EFIL

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