On 7 and 8 April EFIL’s Advocacy coordinator was in Strasbourg to network EFIL with national level advocacy in the field of pupil exchanges and with EEE-YFU.

On 7 May EFIL and EEE-YFU met with Intermundo, the Swiss National Platform of exchange organisations for the annual gathering between European and national platforms, namely NEEP. Also, AJA, the German platform, takes part in these meetings and contributed via online communication.  It is always very interesting to share the current projects and priorities and identify areas of cooperation. We particularly recognise the contribution of Intermundo in providing evidence to the impact of youth exchanges by publishing a Compendium.

On 8 May EFIL attended the first EEE-YFU Intercultural Education Symposium which opened the European annual conference of EEE-YFU member organisations.

The Intercultural Education Symposium provided input on four key topics:

  1. Identifying Need for Intercultural Education and proficiency in the modern world
  2. Building partnerships to improve Intercultural Education
  3. Innovating approaches to Intercultural Education
  4. Assessing Intercultural Education and its Impact

It has been interesting to see how both networks, EFIL and EEE-YFU are discussing similar issues, in particular in the field of ‘building partnerships’ and ‘assessing intercultural education’.

For more: elisa.briga@afs.org