AFS Hungary’s training weekend going international

After the first success on a national level, AFS Hungary’s 3-day-long training event, trAinFS opened its workshops for international participants this year. The event was held between 2-4 May 2014 near Budapest, where – along with more than 60 Hungarian volunteers – 9 AFS’ers from the Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia were invited to experience the real trAinFS spirit.

To ensure the diversity of topics covered, each day four workshops were offered to the participants: one in English, and three in Hungarian. The Travelling Trainer secured by EFIL, Yonathan Darmon (from France), was the steady point of all English trainings. Besides facilitating an important and amazing 7-hour-long workshop on chapter development with Zsófia Hutvágner, Yoni also took the role of a co-trainer on the other two days. He joined Balázs Látó to lead a teambuilding workshop on Day 1, and contributed to Nándor Laklia’s time management training (Timeturner) on the final day of the event.

Besides the possibility to join the trainings held in English, Hungarian volunteers also had the opportunity to develop their skills on several other fields. Workshops on effective communication, volunteer management, intercultural learning, volunteer career were just as popular as the trainings on conflict management, presentation and trainer skills, effective feedback and dispute.

Once the official training hours were over, participants joined some challenging and entertaining competitions and icebreaking games, and got to know each other better during informal conversations. Based on the feedback received, the 2nd trAinFS managed to meet its goals: to motivate and develop participants and to give them useful knowledge and tools for their everyday volunteering.

And for those who missed the good news: the event is planned to be continued next year.

AFS HUN training photo