On 30 May the European Commission has published its proposal for Erasmus+ 2021-2027, with a budget of 30 billion euros, namely double the budget to reach 3 times more people.

Have a look at the reaction of EFIL, EEE-YFU and OBESSU to the foreseen actions to foster pupil mobility through the EU funding!

The European Commission proposes 800.000 million for the action DiscoverEU within Erasmus+, however there are serious doubts about the educational value of such a programme which only includes the funding for an Interrail ticket. Mobility alone does not foster intercultural competence.

We welcome the creation of the Justice, Rights and Values Programme and we hope this will be accessible for small non-profit organisations.

Here you can read the reaction of the European Youth Forum.

Here  you can read the vision of the Erasmus+ Coalition, of which EFIL is member, for the new funding programme in the field of education, training, youth and sport.

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org