Alexandra Singpiel represents EFIL, together with other fellows, as part of the Education & Skills cluster of the AU-EU Youth Plug-In Initiative. Right now they are brainstorming on innovative ideas of how to reform and improve European-African cooperation in the education sector. Based on the recommendations of the Abidjan Declaration, calling upon member states to create a framework for the recognition and validation of competences gained through non-formal education, moving towards mutual recognition of evaluation systems and formal education diplomas, as well as the guarantee to universal access to quality and inclusive education (find the full text of the declaration here:, what would YOU suggest as new, creative, crazy idea for the years to come?

Think about feasible project ideas and drop them a line until Thursday morning, ideally following the structure:

1)     What is it? A paragraph of max. 3-4 sentences of that idea.

2)     Why that idea? Why do u think it’s important, what problem is it going to solve?

3)     The impact. Tell us why we shouldn´t wait to implement the idea. Tell us what difference it will make and possibly the risk we face if it’s dropped in the bin.

You can do so either on the website or directly to Alexandra (!

They are looking forward to all your messages and ideas to shake up the institutions!